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Deborah Gonzales

Star Consultant


My Story

Life has taken me through so many twists and turns but here we are. I joined Scentsy at the end of 2012 thanks to a friend who helped me see how much I needed this. From the amazing fragrances, to the beautifully crafted warmers, I have fallen head over hills for everything Scentsy has to offer.

Scentsy has been such a blessing in my life. Using every product Scentsy offers provides me with lots to talk about. Scentsy fragrances are fun, relaxing and therapeutic. The huge selection makes it easy to find several that you will love to use throughout your home or office.

I am a mother, and the only girl, in a house full of wonderful boys (8 in all including the Husband!). I volunteer with the kid's schools, Scouts BSA, my church, and do what I can with the sports our kids play. As active as we all are, Scentsy helps us to relax and remember to enjoy every moment life gives us. Scentsy has given me the flexibility to work my own business, at my own pace, as my schedule allows. We have 1 still in college and we make sure they are equipped with Scentsy too!

My life is constantly changing for the better due in part to the inspiration Scentsy has given me. The training opportunities always include amazing, inspiring messages that provide us with wonderful tools to help every consultant succeed. The friendly atmosphere makes it a lot of fun to be a part of the Scentsy family.

Please let me know if you would like to join me in all the wonderful fragrances, great financial benefits, and wonderful friends Scentsy is bringing into my life.

What's warming in my home